OCTO exit exam question & Answers

What is the purpose of the oil discharge monitoring and control system (ODME) on board oil tankers? A. To monitor the temperature of the cargo B. To monitor the level of the cargo C. To monitor the pressure in the cargo tanks D. To monitor the discharge of oily water from the cargo tanks Answer: D

What is the purpose of the cargo heating system on board chemical tankers? A. To keep the crew warm B. To heat the engine room C. To maintain the cargo temperature D. To provide hot water for the crew Answer: C

What is the primary method used to prevent cargo contamination on chemical tankers? A. Segregating different types of cargo B. Flushing the cargo tanks with seawater C. Using the IGS to reduce the oxygen content in the cargo tanks D. Ventilating the cargo tanks with fresh air Answer: A

What is the purpose of the cargo transfer system on board oil tankers? A. To transfer the cargo between the shore and the ship B. To transfer the cargo between different cargo tanks on board the ship C. To transfer the cargo from the engine room to the cargo tanks D. To transfer the crew from the ship to the shore Answer: B

Which of the following statements about crude oil is true? a) It is a clear, colorless liquid b) It is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons c) It is not flammable d) It is non-toxic Answer: b) It is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons