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Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers 1



Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers

Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers

Here are 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to “Medical Care” for DG Shipping Exit Exam, with four options for each question. The correct answer for each question is indicated with an asterisk (*).

Question 1:
Who is responsible for providing medical care to the crew on a ship?

A) Chief Engineer
B) Master (Captain)
C) Radio Officer
D) Chief Cook

B) Master (Captain)*

Question 2:
In the context of medical care on ships, what does the term “MEDICO” stand for?

A) Maritime Emergency Duty and Immediate Care Officer
B) Medical Emergency Drill and Immediate Care Officer
C) Maritime Emergency Drill and Initial Care Officer
D) Medical Emergency Duty and Initial Care Officer

C) Maritime Emergency Drill and Initial Care Officer*

Question 3:
Which document outlines the medical requirements and procedures on a ship?

A) Ship’s logbook
B) Crew contract
C) Maritime Labor Convention (MLC)
D) International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code

C) Maritime Labor Convention (MLC)*

Question 4:
What is the purpose of the Ship Captain’s Medical Guide?

A) Navigation instructions
B) Engine maintenance guidelines
C) Providing medical guidance for ship captains
D) Cargo handling procedures

C) Providing medical guidance for ship captains*

Question 5:
Which organization provides guidelines for medical examination of seafarers?

A) International Maritime Organization (IMO)
B) World Health Organization (WHO)
C) International Labour Organization (ILO)
D) International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

A) International Maritime Organization (IMO)*

Question 6:
In medical care, what is the purpose of the “Sick Bay” on a ship?

A) Navigation equipment storage
B) Medical treatment and care area
C) Crew accommodation
D) Cargo storage

B) Medical treatment and care area*

Question 7:
What does the term “Muster Station” refer to in the context of medical emergencies on ships?

A) Emergency escape route
B) Medical examination room
C) Assembly point for crew during emergencies
D) Rest area for the crew

C) Assembly point for crew during emergencies*

Question 8:
Which medical condition is commonly addressed with seasickness medication on ships?

A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
C) Motion sickness
D) Respiratory infections

C) Motion sickness*

Question 9:
In the event of a medical emergency, what is the primary communication method on a ship?

A) Social media
B) Ship’s public address system
C) Radio communication
D) Morse code signals

B) Ship’s public address system*

Question 10:
What does the acronym “AED” stand for in the context of medical care on ships?

A) Automated External Defibrillator
B) Advanced Emergency Drugs
C) Acute Emergency Diagnosis
D) Airway and Emergency Drills

A) Automated External Defibrillator*

Question 11:
Which medical condition is commonly addressed with the use of an EpiPen on ships?

A) Hypoglycemia
B) Allergic reactions
C) Cardiovascular diseases
D) Respiratory infections

B) Allergic reactions*

Question 12:
What is the purpose of the “Medical Locker” on a ship?

A) Storage of navigation charts
B) Storage of medical supplies and equipment
C) Crew accommodation
D) Cargo handling area

B) Storage of medical supplies and equipment*

Question 13:
What is the primary role of the “Medical Officer” on a ship?

A) Navigation
B) Engine maintenance
C) Providing advanced medical care to the crew
D) Cargo Operations

C) Providing advanced medical care to the crew*

Question 14:
In medical care, what does the term “IMDG Code” stand for?

A) International Maritime Disease Guidelines
B) International Medical Diagnostic Guide
C) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
D) International Medical Duty and Guidelines

C) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code*

Question 15:
What is the purpose of the “Medical Chest” on a ship?

A) Crew accommodation
B) Storage of medical records
C) Storage of essential medical supplies and drugs
D) Navigation equipment storage

C) Storage of essential medical supplies and drugs*

Question 16:
Which medical condition is commonly addressed with the use of seasickness patches on ships?

A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
C) Motion sickness
D) Respiratory infections

C) Motion sickness*

Question 17:
What does the term “Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate” indicate in the context of maritime medical care?

A) A certificate for sea survival training
B) A certificate for onboard cooking skills
C) A certificate indicating vaccination against yellow fever
D) A certificate for navigation proficiency

C) A certificate indicating vaccination against yellow fever*

Question 18:
What is the primary purpose of the “Medical Waste Disposal Plan” on a ship?

A) Navigation route planning
B) Engine maintenance procedures
C) Safe disposal of medical waste
D) Cargo handling guidelines

C) Safe disposal of medical waste*

Question 19:
In the context of medical care on ships, what does the term “ISPS Code” stand for?

A) International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
B) International Safety and Protection Standard Code
C) International Seafarers’ Protection and Safety Code
D) International Ship Security and Protection Code

A) International Ship and Port Facility Security Code*

Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers

Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers

Question 20:
Which medical condition is commonly addressed with the use of antiseptics and bandages on ships?

A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
C) Wounds and injuries
D) Respiratory infections

C) Wounds and injuries*

Question 21:
What does the term “First Aid Manual” provide guidance on in the context of medical care on ships?

A) Navigation techniques
B) Engine maintenance procedures
C) Basic first aid and emergency procedures
D) Cargo handling guidelines

C) Basic first aid and emergency procedures*

Question 22:
In the context of medical care on ships, what does the term “ISO Containers” refer to?

A) International Safety Organization containers for medical supplies
B) Isolation containers for contagious diseases
C) International Standard Organization containers for cargo
D) Isolation containers for medical waste

C) International Standard Organization containers for cargo*

Question 23:
What is the primary purpose of the “Medical Evacuation Plan” on a ship?

A) Navigation route planning
B) Engine maintenance procedures
C) Emergency procedures for evacuating injured crew members
D) Cargo handling guidelines

C) Emergency procedures for evacuating injured crew members*

Question 24:
Which medical condition is commonly addressed with the use of anti-seasickness medications on ships?

A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
C) Motion sickness
D) Respiratory infections

C) Motion sickness*

Question 25:
What is the purpose of the “Medical Logbook” on a ship?

A) Recording navigation details
B) Recording medical incidents and treatments
C) Engine maintenance records
D) Cargo handling records

B) Recording medical incidents and treatments*

Question 26:
In the context of medical care on ships, what does the term “CPR” stand for?

A) Cardiovascular Proficiency and Response
B) Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
C) Cargo Planning and Routing
D) Crew Personnel Regulations

B) Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation*

Question 27:
What is the purpose of the “Medical Chest Inventory” on a ship?

A) Navigation route planning
B) Recording medical incidents and treatments
C) Engine maintenance records
D) Inventory of medical supplies and drugs

D) Inventory of medical supplies and drugs*

Question 28:
Which medical condition is commonly addressed with the use of pain relievers on ships?

A) Hypertension
B) Diabetes
C) Motion sickness
D) Headaches and pain

D) Headaches and pain*

Question 29:
In the context of medical care on ships, what does the term “MERSAR” stand for?

A) Medical Emergency Response and Search and Rescue
B) Maritime Emergency Response and Search and Rescue
C) Medical Emergency Rapid Situation Assessment and Response
D) Maritime Emergency Rapid Situation Assessment and Response

A) Medical Emergency Response and Search and Rescue*

Question 30:
What is the primary purpose of the “Medical Officer’s Handbook” on a ship?

A) Navigation techniques
B) Engine maintenance procedures
C) Guidance for medical officers on board
D) Cargo handling guidelines

C) Guidance for medical officers on board*

These questions cover various aspects related to “Medical Care” for DG Shipping Exit Exam. If you have any specific areas you’d like more questions on or if there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to let me know!

Also read:

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These questions are generated from the e-learning website of DG shipping.


Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers 1

Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers 2

Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers 3

Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers 4

Medical care refresher exit exam questions and answers 5


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