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Pst exit exam questions and answers Part-3



Pst exit exam questions and answers

Pst exit exam questions and answers Part-3,DG shipping exti exam.

Here are 50 additional questions with four options and answers on the topic of personal survival techniques in ships:these questions are for the dg shipping exit exam .

What should you do first if you find yourself in the water after abandoning ship?
a) Inflate your life jacket
b) Swim towards the nearest shore
c) Stay calm and assess your situation
d) Activate the emergency beacon
(Answer: c) Stay calm and assess your situation)

How can you signal for help at night while in the water?
a) Blow the whistle continuously
b) Light a flare and hold it above your head
c) Splash the water to create noise
d) Use a flashlight to create SOS signals
(Answer: d) Use a flashlight to create SOS signals)

What is the purpose of a lifebuoy ring during a shipboard emergency?
a) To provide a floating platform for survivors
b) To serve as a navigation aid for rescue vessels
c) To provide insulation against cold temperatures
d) To throw to a person in the water for buoyancy support
(Answer: d) To throw to a person in the water for buoyancy support)

How should you behave if you are in the water with a group of survivors?
a) Swim away from the group to increase chances of rescue
b) Stay close together and hold onto each other
c) Compete with others to reach the life raft first
d) Yell for help continuously to attract attention
(Answer: b) Stay close together and hold onto each other)

What should you do if you are on a life raft and spot a rescue helicopter?
a) Jump into the water and swim towards the helicopter
b) Wave a bright-colored flag or clothing to attract attention
c) Ignore the helicopter and wait for a rescue boat
d) Yell and shout to get the helicopter’s attention
(Answer: b) Wave a bright-colored flag or clothing to attract attention)

How can you prevent saltwater ingestion while in the water?
a) Spit out any water that enters your mouth
b) Keep your mouth tightly closed at all times
c) Drink small amounts of seawater for hydration
d) Suck on a piece of cloth to filter out the salt
(Answer: a) Spit out any water that enters your mouth)

What should you do if your life jacket fails to inflate properly?
a) Inflate it manually using the oral inflation tube
b) Shake it vigorously to distribute the air evenly
c) Remove it and try to find another one
d) Tie it securely around your waist for buoyancy support
(Answer: a) Inflate it manually using the oral inflation tube)

How can you protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays while adrift in the water?
a) Cover your body with seaweed or floating debris
b) Apply sunscreen if available
c) Wear multiple layers of clothing
d) Dive underwater frequently to avoid sun exposure
(Answer: b) Apply sunscreen if available)

What is the purpose of a life raft canopy or cover?
a) To provide shade from the sun
b) To serve as a rain shelter
c) To protect against hypothermia
d) To shield from sea spray and waves
(Answer: d) To shield from sea spray and waves)

What should you do if you are alone in the water and feeling fatigued?
a) Swim as vigorously as possible to reach safety
b) Float on your back and rest while conserving energy
c) Dive underwater to cool down and rejuvenate
d) Shout for help continuously to attract attention
(Answer: b) Float on your back and rest while conserving energy)

What should you do if your clothing becomes wet while in the water?
a) Remove your clothing to reduce drag and weight
b) Squeeze out excess water and keep the clothing on
c) Wrap your wet clothing around your head for insulation
d) Use your wet clothing as a makeshift flotation device
(Answer: a) Remove your clothing to reduce drag and weight)

How can you prevent hypothermia while in the water for an extended period?
a) Swim vigorously to generate body heat
b) Splash water on your face and body to stay cool
c) Keep your head and neck submerged to retain warmth
d) Huddle together with other survivors for warmth
(Answer: d) Huddle together with other survivors for warmth)

What should you do if you come across a damaged lifeboat in the water?
a) Attempt to repair the damage using available tools
b) Abandon the damaged lifeboat and swim to safety
c) Use your life jacket as a makeshift repair patch
d) Signal for help and wait for rescue
(Answer: d) Signal for help and wait for rescue)

How can you stay mentally prepared and maintain hope while awaiting rescue?
a) Recite survival mantras or positive affirmations
b) Keep your eyes closed to conserve energy and focus
c) Assume that rescue is unlikely and prepare for the worst
d) Sing songs or engage in group discussions with other survivors
(Answer: a) Recite survival mantras or positive affirmations)

What should you do if you encounter marine wildlife while in the water?
a) Swim towards the wildlife to seek their assistance
b) Splash water and create noise to scare them away
c) Remain calm and avoid making sudden movements
d) Attempt to catch them for food and sustenance
(Answer: c) Remain calm and avoid making sudden movements)

How can you conserve energy while swimming in the water for a long duration?
a) Swim as fast as possible to reach the nearest land
b) Use your legs only and keep your upper body relaxed
c) Take frequent breaks and float on your back to rest
d) Perform vigorous arm strokes to generate body heat
(Answer: c) Take frequent breaks and float on your back to rest)

What should you do if you spot a rescue boat or ship in the distance?
a) Swim towards it at full speed
b) Wave your arms and shout for attention
c) Hide and wait for the rescue team to find you
d) Signal using a whistle or signaling mirror
(Answer: b) Wave your arms and shout for attention)

How can you protect your head and face while jumping into the water from a height?
a) Tuck your knees to your chest and land feet-first
b) Spread your arms wide for balance and stability
c) Bend your back backwards to absorb the impact
d) Keep your eyes closed to avoid water splash
(Answer: a) Tuck your knees to your chest and land feet-first)

What should you do if your life jacket gets tangled in debris or ropes?
a) Cut the tangled ropes using a knife if available
b) Inflate the life jacket to create buoyancy and free yourself
c) Remove the life jacket and swim without it
d) Call for help and wait for assistance
(Answer: a) Cut the tangled ropes using a knife if available)

How can you help other survivors in the water while awaiting rescue?
a) Swim towards them and attempt to tow them to safety
b) Keep a safe distance and avoid any physical contact
c) Share your life jacket with them if necessary
d) Ignore other survivors and focus on your own survival
(Answer: c) Share your life jacket with them if necessary)

What should you do if you find a leaking life raft in the water?
a) Attempt to patch the leak using available materials
b) Abandon the life raft and swim to find another one
c) Inflate the life raft fully to minimize the leak
d) Use your life jacket as a makeshift flotation device
(Answer: a) Attempt to patch the leak using available materials)

How can you ration your food and water supplies while adrift in a life raft?
a) Consume small portions at regular intervals
b) Eat all the food at once to avoid spoilage
c) Drink large quantities of water to stay hydrated
d) Share your food and water with other survivors
(Answer: a) Consume small portions at regular intervals)

What should you do if you find yourself caught in a strong current while swimming in the water?
a) Swim against the current to reach safety faster
b) Allow the current to carry you and conserve energy
c) Dive underwater and navigate beneath the current
d) Yell for help continuously to attract attention
(Answer: b) Allow the current to carry you and conserve energy)

How can you maintain a positive mental attitude while in the water for a prolonged period?
a) Focus on negative thoughts to prepare for the worst-case scenario
b) Keep your eyes closed to escape the reality of the situation
c) Engage in positive self-talk and visualize a successful rescue
d) Ignore the situation and detach yourself mentally
(Answer: c) Engage in positive self-talk and visualize a successful rescue)

What should you do if you encounter a strong rip current while swimming in the water?
a) Swim parallel to the shore to escape the current’s pull
b) Swim against the current to reach the shore quickly
c) Allow the current to carry you and conserve energy
d) Dive underwater and swim beneath the current
(Answer: a) Swim parallel to the shore to escape the current’s pull)

What should you do if your life raft overturns in rough seas?
a) Attempt to flip it back to its original position
b) Abandon the life raft and swim to find another one
c) Climb on top of the overturned life raft for stability
d) Hold onto the ropes underneath the life raft for support
(Answer: c) Climb on top of the overturned life raft for stability)

How can you signal for help during daylight hours while in the water?
a) Blow the whistle continuously
b) Wave your arms and shout for attention
c) Use a signaling mirror to reflect sunlight
d) Splash the water to create noise
(Answer: c) Use a signaling mirror to reflect sunlight)

What should you do if you encounter a shark while in the water?
a) Swim away as fast as possible to escape its presence
b) Play dead and remain motionless until the shark leaves
c) Splash the water and create noise to scare the shark away
d) Maintain eye contact and slowly back away from the shark
(Answer: d) Maintain eye contact and slowly back away from the shark)

How can you protect yourself from jellyfish stings while in the water?
a) Splash water on your body to repel jellyfish
b) Avoid swimming in areas known for jellyfish presence
c) Apply vinegar or urine to the affected area to neutralize the sting
d) Ignore the stings and continue swimming
(Answer: c) Apply vinegar or urine to the affected area to neutralize the sting)

What should you do if you spot a potential rescue vessel in the distance while in the water?
a) Attempt to swim towards the vessel as fast as possible
b) Wave a bright-colored flag or clothing to attract attention
c) Hide and wait for the rescue team to find you
d) Signal using a whistle or signaling mirror
(Answer: b) Wave a bright-colored flag or clothing to attract attention)

How can you protect your feet and legs while in the water for an extended period?
a) Keep your feet elevated and out of the water
b) Wear multiple layers of socks for insulation
c) Wrap your feet with plastic bags or waterproof material
d) Ignore foot and leg protection as it is unnecessary
(Answer: c) Wrap your feet with plastic bags or waterproof material)

What should you do if you encounter a strong undertow while swimming in the water?
a) Swim against the undertow to reach safety faster
b) Allow the undertow to carry you and conserve energy
c) Dive underwater and navigate beneath the undertow
d) Yell for help continuously to attract attention
(Answer: b) Allow the undertow to carry you and conserve energy)

How can you create a makeshift flotation device while in the water?
a) Inflate your life jacket to its maximum capacity
b) Gather floating debris and hold onto it for buoyancy
c) Wrap your clothing tightly around your body
d) Tie knots in your clothing to trap air pockets
(Answer: b) Gather floating debris and hold onto it for buoyancy)

What should you do if you encounter a strong surface current while swimming in the water?
a) Swim against the current to reach safety faster
b) Allow the current to carry you and conserve energy
c) Dive underwater and navigate beneath the current
d) Yell for help continuously to attract attention
(Answer: c) Dive underwater and navigate beneath the current)

How can you protect your face and head from sunburn while in the water for a prolonged period?
a) Apply sunscreen generously and reapply regularly
b) Wear a wide-brimmed hat or cap for shade
c) Dive underwater frequently to avoid sun exposure
d) Use your clothing as a makeshift face mask
(Answer: b) Wear a wide-brimmed hat or cap for shade)

What should you do if you spot land in the distance while in the water?
a) Swim towards the land as fast as possible
b) Yell for help and attract attention from the shore
c) Ignore the land and continue floating in the water
d) Assess the distance and decide the best course of action
(Answer: d) Assess the distance and decide the best course of action)

How can you conserve energy while floating in the water?
a) Splash water and create noise to stay awake
b) Keep your body tense and muscles engaged
c) Stretch your limbs frequently to avoid cramps
d) Relax your body and float on your back
(Answer: d) Relax your body and float on your back)

What should you do if you encounter a strong cross-current while swimming in the water?
a) Swim against the current to reach safety faster
b) Allow the current to carry you and conserve energy
c) Swim diagonally across the current to escape its pull
d) Yell for help continuously to attract attention
(Answer: c) Swim diagonally across the current to escape its pull)

How can you create a makeshift paddle while in the water?
a) Use your arms and hands to paddle through the water
b) Gather floating debris and use it as a paddle
c) Kick your legs vigorously to propel yourself forward
d) Ignore the need for a paddle as it is unnecessary
(Answer: b) Gather floating debris and use it as a paddle)

What should you do if you are in the water and spot a nearby island?
a) Swim towards the island as fast as possible
b) Yell for help and attract attention from the island
c) Ignore the island and continue floating in the water
d) Assess the distance and decide the best course of action
(Answer: d) Assess the distance and decide the best course of action)

How can you protect your ears while in the water for a prolonged period?
a) Wear earplugs or cover your ears with waterproof material
b) Continuously blow air out of your ears to keep them dry
c) Ignore the need for ear protection as it is unnecessary
d) Rinse your ears with freshwater whenever possible
(Answer: a) Wear earplugs or cover your ears with waterproof material)

What should you do if you encounter a strong tidal current while swimming in the water?
a) Swim against the current to reach safety faster
b) Allow the current to carry you and conserve energy
c) Dive underwater and navigate beneath the current
d) Yell for help continuously to attract attention
(Answer: b) Allow the current to carry you and conserve energy)

How can you protect your eyes from seawater irritation while in the water?
a) Keep your eyes closed at all times
b) Wear swimming goggles or protective eyewear
c) Ignore the irritation and continue swimming
d) Splash freshwater on your face frequently
(Answer: b) Wear swimming goggles or protective eyewear)

What should you do if you spot a floating object in the water while swimming?
a) Ignore the object and continue swimming
b) Swim towards the object and investigate
c) Splash the water to attract attention to the object
d) Signal for help and report the object to authorities
(Answer: a) Ignore the object and continue swimming)

How can you protect your neck and throat from saltwater irritation while in the water?
a) Keep your head completely submerged to avoid irritation
b) Wrap a piece of cloth around your neck for protection
c) Apply petroleum jelly or lip balm to your neck and throat
d) Ignore the irritation and focus on swimming
(Answer: b) Wrap a piece of cloth around your neck for protection)

What should you do if you come across a floating barrel or drum in the water?
a) Attempt to open the barrel and search for supplies
b) Use the barrel as a makeshift flotation device
c) Ignore the barrel and continue swimming
d) Signal for help and report the barrel to authorities
(Answer: c) Ignore the barrel and continue swimming)

How can you protect your body from dehydration while in the water for an extended period?
a) Consume seawater to replenish fluids in your body
b) Ignore the need for hydration as it is unnecessary in water
c) Drink small amounts of freshwater whenever possible
d) Wrap your body with wet clothing to retain moisture
(Answer: c) Drink small amounts of freshwater whenever possible)

What should you do if you spot a helicopter or aircraft in the sky while in the water?
a) Wave your arms and shout for attention
b) Dive underwater and hide to avoid detection
c) Ignore the aircraft and continue floating in the water
d) Signal using a whistle or signaling mirror
(Answer: a) Wave your arms and shout for attention)

How can you protect your skin from sunburn while in the water for a prolonged period?
a) Apply sunscreen generously and reapply regularly
b) Wear long-sleeved clothing for full coverage
c) Dive underwater frequently to avoid sun exposure
d) Ignore the need for sun protection as it is unnecessary
(Answer: a) Apply sunscreen generously and reapply regularly)

What should you do if you spot a group of survivors while in the water?
a) Swim towards them and join their group
b) Keep a safe distance and observe their actions
c) Ignore the survivors and focus on your own survival
d) Signal for help and report the survivors to authorities
(Answer: b) Keep a safe distance and observe their actions)


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these questions are generated from e-learning website of DG shipping.
