12 Famous Myths About Merchant Navy & SHIPS
12 Famous Myths About Merchant Navy & SHIPS
I agree that ship selling activities are not uncommon.
Most people don’t know
many details about it.
they don’t even know
it was a merchant navy.
Therefore, the work of Merchant Marine
It has many myths around it. Sure, they probably don’t have many.
But today I will consider 12 myths.
many people talk about it.
And what a value, many
These myths are also fascinating.
For example, sailors have
a lot of money and no work to do.
They spend all their days
holding back and getting sick. Thieves attack their ships.
Some call them ignorant fools.
they will go to war
they are good swimmers,
There are many.
So let’s go through them one by one.
The first myth: the sailors
make a lot of money. The answer is yes and no.
Yes, because when you start your career as a sailor,
I’m sure
few jobs in the world are paid
like merchant ships that load ship crews.
But as you continue with your work,
If you compare them with those bought on a merchant ship,
as chief, chief engineer,
the gap began to narrow.
Either way, I’ve seen many people in Pakistan and India achieve a lot.
It is certainly a good amount of money. But he hasn’t been out of this world for a long time.
more people earn more money.
The next thing I want to tell you is that
70% of companies, including
mine, captain Sunil and Karan,
don’t pay your employees
during the holidays.
If you are a sailor like me
that he worked 4 months and
rest for 4 more,
or working 5 months, rest 6
Part of the payment is arranged.
Myth 2: They drink a lot of alcohol.
Judging by most Hollywood
movies we see
the sailors regularly drinking alcohol
and nothing else to do. It is believed that they are receiving
cheap alcohol
The second truth is the truth, us.
get it cheap,
we got it for free.
It doesn’t look like it’s shown in a movie.
When I started my career in 2000,
I heard those things.
I heard people did it
do it, and never again. So over time these
things never happen again.
While it’s cheap, it is
Not like they always drink.
Many companies have
lawful non-alcoholic.
It is not permitted to store alcohol on board.
It is a complete myth. It’s cheap, of course.
but no, they don’t always use it.
They have absolutely nothing to do.
All they do is fish and eat.
At least that’s the way it is
acting in movies. One thing is certain, it is attractive on the street. You have the kind of thoughts you can’t
reach any other part of the world.
Time, time changes
i.e. hot, cold,
spring and autumn.
You may not have it anywhere else.
party people on boats,
But not always. Which
there are many other things to do. merchant marine affairs
went on fast
and over time,
we cannot waste
even if for a short time.
There were 25 people on board.
take care of the maintenance of the boat.
And from 25 people
have a boat,
There isn’t much time for anything else.
Next myth: the sailors
constantly suffer from vertigo.
Some suffer from vertigo, others don’t.
many win seasickness in the beginning,
eventually adapt to its environment.
So everything becomes part of your system. About 50-60% of the population
does not suffer from vertigo at all. No, that’s another myth.
Not everyone suffers from vertigo
but I will eventually share the link to my beach sore video if you want to watch it.
Sailors face any piracy
noon. No, it doesn’t happen. There are two regions in the world,
Along the Gulf of Aden,
IRTC or international
The road is known near Somalia
first raped.
but now it’s mostly solved. The second is West African water,
but outside these places,
it is also not common.
Only when you pass by these places
This is a place to watch out for,
but Alhamdulillah, let’s hold on.
But no, we are not attached.
by hackers every day. It is not so.
Sailors discover new cities
often. A yes and a no.
I say yes to the country because
as I told you above
marinas sell fast
come on, the boat will be faster.
Therefore, in addition to all the advantages, the main disadvantage is that
We don’t have much time in port. We have no right to visit,
but how is that possible then
Short term?
Our strong system forces us
weight loss up to 3-3.5
lakh ton in a day and a half. not to say too much
the staff looks 6 on 6.
6 hours of work, only 6 hours of rest,
How are we?
leave the ship like this? Most people prefer relaxation.
But sometimes!
I only travel when we have two or more days. That’s when we have fun. Also, if we look at the time after signing,
That’s when we go for a ride.
But aboard, things
they have become very different. Save time on heavy loaders, heavy loaders.
But ships, LNG, containers, wow.
We don’t have time. Sailors live a good life.
Yes and abroad. Considering that he has a small family and few people to keep money,
you can live a really beautiful life.
Many of my colleagues didn’t have that job.
when they joined the merchant navy.
and live the best life possible
They have BMWs, Ferraris,
your own home and park.
But many who join the Merchant Navy have an important role to play. in the end no
perfect money to live a good life. support your parents
and your children, you no longer have enough to live a good life.
I don’t call it cute, but it almost is.
all in the trades of the navy
live a new life.
I hope you understand me better.
The crew had a good holiday.
and I would say that it is
absolutely! At least 90% of it. Because I love
others take short breaks,
but once they got them, they weren’t enough.
I took 4 months off,
I have to take two lessons
online and I hate them.
I have given these two tutorials
day because I know him.
4 months we go down, we use
all our money on time.
Where the holidays start to look weird-
They are amazing to the point where
about 70% of companies in the world
contract work. 4 months of work, 2 months of vacation, 4 months of work and another 4 months of vacation.
We get 4 of 2,
and the next 2 months
shopping is free.
So I spend it all
so far, it’s not fun.
but in my opinion they are good
relaxation, happy holidays.
Do you have time to spend with your family or have a hobby like me, namely YouTube,
you can spend a lot of time doing it. once they told me
sailors are ignorant fools.
No I’m not!
This may have been true in the past.
when people don’t know what customer shipping is.
Advertising, electronic media e
print advertising is not uncommon.
People were forced to set sail.
And we don’t reject them
and his maturity. At the time, promotions were stupid.
It’s not the same.
You will learn a lot.
you have your education
then he entered.
So, to work, you have to
Go to the quiz for each level. You will learn a lot.
The last test I took was when I was 31.
No, they were well educated.
Not only do they study, but they do
it will also pass many tests.
you will not be illiterate
be silly but Here’s another story.
many are polite
It may be stupid, but again.
merchant customers
will go to war. No,
We should not.
We don’t participate at all. In fact, in the past, I looked at Pakistani newspapers
on the Pakistani army
School of education and television channel.
They kept talking about war.
property of the merchant navy
It has nothing to do with war.
Of course we can help warships.
But this is the most common. You can help the navy,
at least not less.
There is always a trader
The ships of the Navy have been completely refurbished.
with weapons and ammunition.
It never happens again. Ships are being built to the finest detail these days.
customer ships e
big and fast planes,
Ships and fighter planes are
necessity and urgency. This is a big difference, so no.
We don’t fight and we don’t fight.
Merchant ships are generally considered to be good swimmers,
They are swimmers, that’s right.
We will pass the swimming test.
In some regions like India, you don’t have it
will never pass a swimming test. It is legal in Pakistan and the Philippines.
we have different styles
to help us,
life jackets, lifeboats, life rafts.
By chance, we don’t.
We will swim to save our lives
or save the lives of others.
We were well trained for this.
So we are very good swimmers.
but not good swimmers. Once you become a leader,
You can take your family on a boat.
Yes and no.
It varies from company to company.
There is no requirement,
but in general, the principals behave like bosses,
Chief Engineers, Chi
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